"Growing & Thriving Together " Message 11-24-19

28 November 2019
Series: theCHURCH

Speaker: Rudy Paredes

Soundcloud Listen

Point: True Fellowship Keeps Us So Connected To God and To Each Other, That We Find Ourselves Growing & Thrive In A Way That Not Only Impacts Our Own Lives, But The Lives Of Others!

Scripture: Acts 2:42:47; Acts 4:32; John 17:20-23; Acts 17:7

1. Read Acts 2:42:47. What was the activity and the heart of True Fellowship?
2. Read Acts 2:42. What is the foundation of this fellowship and Who directed it?
3. What’s the difference between relationship and fellowship? What did it take for them to devote and commit to each other 24/7!?
4. Read Acts 2:43:47; Acts 4:32. How did fellowship help the believers grow and thrive personally? Why do you think someone might fear or avoid this kind of fellowship? How can we overcome it?
5. Read John 17:20-23; Acts 17:7. How did their fellowship impact their community and their world?

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