"Mission " Message 1-5-20

10 January 2020
Series: theCHURCH

Point: Make known the Jesus you know. While getting to know Jesus better.

Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-4; Rom. 15:1-7; Jn. 17:20-23; Eph. 4:11-16

1. Read Isa. 35:1-4. If we know that living a selfless life is not only the life we were created to live but also an admirable life then why do we have such a hard time living selflessly?
2. Read Rom. 15:1-3. Why do you think a person can be a strong follower of Christ and yet have a hard time helping others grow in their relationship with Jesus?
3. Read Jn. 17:20-23. How is the unity of the church great evidence of God’s presence in the world? How can you be more involved in being that evidence?
4. Read Eph. 4:11-16. How is helping each other grow with and from our relationship with Jesus a great help in the unification of the church?
5. Read Rom. 15:5-7. If you really love Jesus or even if you’re just trying to really love Jesus, how can that love for Jesus or even that effort to love Him, be beneficial in helping someone else grow in their understanding of, and or relationship with Jesus?

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