“Thinking Well” Message 8-1-21

7 August 2021
Series: Centered

Point: The day you stop listening is the day you stop learning, the day you stop learning is the day you stop leading, the day you stop leading is the day you stop caring.

Scripture: Acts 18:24-28


1. Read Acts 18:24-25. What was it about Apollos that made him stand out? How can you learn from Apollos?

2. Read verses 25-26. Apollos needed strong Christians like Pricilla and Aquila to teach him how to better understand God’s Word. Who do you know who can help you understand God’s Word better?

3. Read verses 27-28. Apollos took what he had learned and used it to teach others also. This is great leadership. How can you take what you are learning and use it to make disciples?

4. How can we help you to stay centered on Christ this week?

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